Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Gender Matters

Valeria Lopez Arguello

Why Gender Matters: Differences in Hearing.

Sixteen months after their birth baby girls usually have about 100 words in their vocabulary repertoire. Boys on the other hand, have only 40. Why this gap? What causes this difference? These gender differences in language acquisition have been expressed, tested and analyzed through a battery of tests performed by renowned scientists. Due to continuous research, scientists have discovered that there are innate anatomical differences in brain tissue between the genders. These divergences in the brain’s configuration are evidently seen while observing differences not only present in language but also, marked variations in emotion, education and cognitive expressions between the sexes. In his book Why Gender Matters, Dr. Leonard Sax has brought to our attention that these genetically programmed divergence need to be genuinely taken into consideration while educating young boys and girls. The focus of this paper will be based upon these unprecedented results depicting differences in the hearing apparatus of girls and boys and how these affect their educational experience.

Do females have a superior hearing ability? In the late 1980 graduate students from Florida State University conducted an experiment where they tested the effect of soothing music therapy on premature babies. Some researches theorized that playing soft music in a baby’s crib would relax the baby, therefore increase the baby’s appetite so the baby would grow faster. Results suggested that babies who heard the music left the hospital on average 5 days earlier than babies who didn’t hear the music (Sax, 2006). When looking at the results based upon gender, premature baby girls who were part of the experimental group left the hospital on average 9 ½ days earlier than the premature baby girls who were not exposed to the soothing music. On the contrary, both premature baby boys in the experimental and control groups had no difference whatsoever in their discharge dates (Sax, 2006). What caused this difference? Other experiments have been done to test the validity of these results and each come to the same conclusion. For that reason, Leonard Sax (2006) claims that “girls’ hearing [is] substantially more sensitive than boys’” (p.17). Therefore, these premature baby boys could not hear the music as well as the girls hence its soothing composure did not have any effect on the boys. More over, Leonard Sax (2006) stated that girls hearing is enhanced “especially in the 1,000 – 4,000 hz range, which is so important for speech discrimination” (p.17). Speech discrimination is substantially important in these boys and girls as they attend an academic setting.

Gender differences in hearing affect the overall performance of students inside a classroom. As previously informed, girls hear considerably better at lower frequencies than boys do. Consequently, girls are distracted by noise levels “about ten times softer than noise levels boys [would] find distracting” (p.18). Taping pens, desks, or the subtle noise of a bird would easily distract any girl from any educational situation. Girls need to be in a serene, noise-free environment in order to successfully achieve the desired focus inside a classroom. Why does it seem then, that boys are the one easily distracted in an educational setting compared to girls? The teacher’s voice level – specially the one of a female teacher - becomes a huge factor that interferes directly with the boy’s learning environment. According to the female teacher, she could be speaking in a normal voice tone. The girls inside her classroom hear her perfectly well, while the boys have difficulty listening to what the teacher is saying because for them, she is speaking in a soft tone. If it were a male teacher inside the classroom the opposite would occur. Girls would believe the male teacher is screaming at them while the boys would hear him in an adequate manner. In the scenario where the female teacher is the educator the boys would be easily driven to distraction because they aren’t as involved in the classroom discussion as the female teacher might think (Sax, 2006).

I vehemently believe these findings to be imperative to any educator’s knowledge. Children are complex, dynamic, constantly changing and directly affected by their surroundings that in order to reach every child each day the educator must know, understand, and detect their diverse realities. One of the best learning environments occurs when children feel safe, understood and respected. In turn, they become motivated and open to learning the information presented by the current educator. From my personal experience, when this scenario takes place the students are prone to accepting the challenges provided by the professor and therefore easily motivated to succeed. Understanding the biological implications and differences in each gender and applying simple theories - as girls hearing better than boys - can be of great assistance in the overall dynamic of the classroom. Now, why does a 16-month-old baby girl have 60 more words in her vocabulary repertoire compare to baby boys? Simply because girls hear better than boys. 

Sax, L. (2006). Why gender matters: what parents and teachers need to know about the emerging science of sex differences. New York, NY: Broadway.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Nutrititional lunch boxes for children

Ideas saludables para loncheras nutritivas

Durante el año escolar, una de las principales preocupaciones de los padres es la nutrición de sus hijos mientras están en la escuela. Para muchos se vuelve todo un dilema el lograr preparar todos los días una lonchera nutricionalmente balanceada, y además que sea lo suficientemente atractiva para que no regrese intacta por lo tarde.
A continuación se ofrece una guía para que los padres de familia aseguren la preparación de loncheras exitosas tanto nutricionalmente, como en aceptación de parte de los niños.
Prepárese con anticipación!
  • Utensilios
No solo es importante una lonchera atractiva (en el caso de los más pequeños), sino además pensar “ecológicamente”, y enviar los alimentos en recipientes reciclables y/o reutilizables. Considere:
  • Botella plástica para refrescos
  • Termo para la conservación de alimentos calientes.
  • Cajitas plásticas para guardar los alimentos (son ideales las que tienen divisores, ya que a los niños muchas veces no les gusta que sus alimentos se mezclen)
  • Tenedores, cucharas y cuchillos plásticos reutilizables
  • Botella plástica para refrescos
  • Servilletas de diseños atractivos (en el caso de los más pequeños)

Provisiones nutritivas!
Fuentes de proteína:
La proteína es importante para un buen crecimiento y desarrollo. Muchas de las principales fuentes de proteína aportan además importantes nutrientes para el crecimiento: hierro, zinc y vitamina B12. Incluya:
  • Atún ó pollo enlatado, en agua o con vegetales
  • Embutidos livianos de pavo, pollo ó cerdo
  • Huevo duro, en rodajas con sal, en sándwich ó en ensalada
  • Frijoles molidos en sándwich o con tortilla de maíz
  • Garbanzos para picar, ó en ensalada
  • Mantequilla de maní baja en grasa
  • Maní, marañones u otras semillas
Son fuente de azúcares naturales, vitamina C, vitaminas del complejo B y múltiples antioxidantes. Si su niño tiene problemas con el consumo de frutas (no le gustan), entonces no las envié en la lonchera. Mejor ofrézcalas bajo “supervisión” en casa, para asegurar su consumo.
  • En el sándwich
  • Vegetales con dip para picar
  • Ensaladas césar con pollo, ensaladas de pasta con pollo o atún arreglado
  • Si pueden calentar en la escuela, puede enviarles vegetales en picadillo
  • Para favorecer su aceptación, córtelos de formas distintas
  • Busque alternativas de aderezos saludables, estas son algunas ideas:
    • Dip de yogurt natural para untar 
    • Dip de aderezos para ensaladas, bajos en grasa
    • Queso crema liviano
Fuente de carbohidratos complejos: Los carbohidratos complejos tienen más fibra, vitaminas y minerales que sus versiones refinadas. Su energía es liberada con más lentitud, por lo que permite a los niños sentirse más activos por un tiempo más prolongado. 
  • Cereales de desayuno con más de 5 gramos de fibra por porción
  • Galletas de soda integrales
  • Galletas con avena y elaboradas con harina integral
  • Tortillas de maíz con queso blanco y/o frijoles molidos
  • Palomitas de maíz bajas en grasa, palitos de ajonjolí o linaza, biscochos livianos
  • Sándwich integral de jamón y queso, mano de piedra, mantequilla de maní ó atún
  • Pita integral rellena de pavo y aguacate 
Fuentes de calcio: Los niños menores de 2 años no deben tener una dieta baja en grasa, así que deben consumir lácteos semi-descremados. Posteriormente, se les puede ofrecer los lácteos descremados.
    • Leche descremada en cajita, yogurt líquido bajo en azúcar, batido de leche con fruta
    • Jugo de naranja ó fruta fortificado con calcio
    • Queso bajo en grasa: tuquitos de queso blanco, palitos de queso mozzarella, queso cottage
     Opciones dulces moderadas en calorías:
    • Queque seco, en un porción moderada
    • Sorbetos
    • Cereal no azucarado ó con poca azúcar (≤6 g azúcar / porción)
    • Frutas deshidratadas
    • Pudín de chocolate bajo en grasa
    • Barras de chocolate bajas en azúcar
    • Galletas de avena
    • Galletas sin relleno cremoso
    • Barquillos horneados de vainilla
    Bebidas: Envíe bebidas que aporten nutrientes importantes para el crecimiento, y que no estén cargadas de azúcar.
    • Leche descremada
    • Néctares fortificados con vitaminas y minerales (se pueden diluir)
    • Fresco natural hecho en casa con poca azúcar
    • Agua
    Sea creativo con los sándwiches!
      • Wraps, pitas, pan bollito, pan cuadrado blanco ó integral, pan diferentes sabores (pan de avena, pan con especias, etc.) para sándwiches rellenos de atún, salmón, pollo, jamón y queso, mano de piedra con frijoles molidos, queso ricotta con manzana
      • Córtelo en diferentes formas.
      • Trate de no repetir los rellenos
      • Pizzas con pan pita con salsa de tomate, hongos, jamón y queso
      Qué alimentos no incluir…
      Con el fin de prevenir el sobrepeso y una alimentación con “calorías vacías”, no se recomienda incluir de manera rutinaria los siguientes alimentos:
      • Paquetitos de galletas / chocolate / quequito / etc. de más de 150 kcal / porción
      • Repostería
      • Papas tostadas y/o similares
      • Frescos artificiales altamente azucarados
      • Además, dinero para que el niño compre a su antojo papas fritas, comidas rápidas, gaseosas y demás alimentos cargados de grasa, colesterol y azúcar.
      Menús de loncheras nutritivas
      Lonchera #1
      Leche descremada
      Emparedado integral de jamón bajo en grasa, queso blanco y tomate
      Una taza de melón picado
      Lonchera #2
      Fresco de mora
      1 barra de granola baja en grasa
      Yogurt descremado con sabor
      Pasas (frutas deshidratadas)
      Lonchera #3
      Jugo de naranja
      Bagel de atún con mayonesa light
      Palitos de zanahoria con dip
      1 manzana entera
      Lonchera #4
      Fresco de tamarindo
      Ensalada de pasta, pollo picado y maíz dulce, con mayonesa light
      Pinchos de sandía y papaya
      Lonchera #5
      Galletas no cremosas rellenas de mantequilla de maní
      "Arbolitos" de brócoli y coliflor con dip (aderezo bajo en grasa)
      1 mandarina

      Friday, June 10, 2011

      Cognitive Development in Early Childhood

      Piagetian Approach

      Jean  Piaget named early childhood the preoperational stage. The charactristic development in this second major  stage of  cognitive development, which lasts form  approximately ages 2 to 7, is a great  expansion in the use of  symbolic thought, or representational ability which first emerges at the end of sensorimotor stage...
      Check these links to have some guidance about the way teachers  can  contribute to the cognitive  development of the students:




      Pay  attention to  this  aswell

      I'll be glad to read your  comments...everyone is invited to participate !!!!